Sunday, October 12, 2008

Oregon Ducks VS USC football game

I bought Darrin his first Oregon Ducks football tickets for his birthday for the Oregon Ducks VS USC game in L.A.  So we headed out on Friday, Oct. 3rd and made a whole weekend out of it.  We checked out Beverly Hills and Hollywood, something I've always wanted to do.  We drove down Rodeo Drive where I spotted Vanessa Williams shopping with her daughter.  I swore I wasn't going to leave L.A. until I saw someone famous.  So we all got to go home because I saw someone famous.  LOL

Anyway, here are a few photos from the game.  The game was pretty exciting...well, for the first quarter and a half.  Then I think the Ducks pooped out.  They lost...44-10.  Yeah, that was painful.  You know, we had a blast and that's all that matters.  We can't wait for our next football game.

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